Friday 14 January 2011

Day Twelve Afternoon - Fitzroy

Afternoon of our penultimate day in Melbourne we visited the suburb of Fitzroy.  Described as bohemian in the various guides, turned out to be just that.  The centre sits along Brunswick Street - a 10 minute tram ride from the Flinders Station.  The street was full of cafes, bars, restaurants, vintage clothes shops and other stores that people rush into, buy something and 30 minutes later have no idea why they wanted it.  We're talking expensive stationery, etchings of colourful parrots, extra virgin oil and mugs with cats on.  Sign me up.

Away from the main drag there are some interesting late nineteenth, early twentieth century housing typical of Australia: generally single or two-storey with iron lattice-work at the front.
Fitzroy houses

Workers cottage

The Sandman, Brunswick Street

Bohemian man

Brunswick St

A word on the Melbourne tram system too.  Dad and I got day passes for $6.70 each and were able to travel all the way to St Kilda, up to Fitzroy, the Docklands and later tonight the MCG on the one ticket.  Bargain.


Anonymous said...

E for envelope son!!!!!!
I am getting wet dog walking.

merchants24 said...

Changed it. Late night see