Monday 10 January 2011

Day Eight - Canberra to Bairnsdale

Just had a memorable meal in at The River Grill in Bairnsdale - whoever built this place forgot that people might visit.  To say it is quiet would be exaggerating somewhat - there were a few people about but only one in the pub and just three in the restaurant, fascinating, however great food ('gummy shark' - toothless?)

At the Crowe Plaza in Canberra, Nasser Hussain and his mates were off to the local cricket oval for the game against the Presidents X1 reckon the BBC are spending all my licence money at once I guess they spent last night in the casino next door as they were not in the hotel bar.

Now been on the road for a week or more and still no kangaroos - signs everywhere telling you to watch out for the beasts but not a sign, just miles and miles of sheep and the occasional herd of cows - it's a big place is Australia.  Tomorrow we have been promised that we can see real wild koala bears -we shall see.  Lots of pictures of the wide open landscape today and the town of Bombala where we dined on great meat pies (fancy that Dad, pies...) !

Doug and merino in Cooma

Typical scene crossing from Canberra to coast

Hotel in Bombala

Lakes Entrance


Anonymous said...

Forget the Kangaroos Doug, you need to start thinking about how you will console Nick when King Kenny leads the mighty Reds to a derby demolition of the Blues on Saturday...

Glad you're having fun.

Broom Lane Reds

Anonymous said...

Looking good on the photo Doug, pies dont seem to have settled yet.
Max is looking trim. New friends in Julie's horse and pony.
You will have to go back to Oz cos Sophie's gift to you arrived today.
Lorna said she was looking for you at the cricket. Will book you in for your flights. Px

She's knocking back the sherry dad.