Thursday 6 January 2011

Day Four - North Harbour

Today Dad and I took a long walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and onto the North Shore.  The trek across the bridge was a decent stretch with some spectacular views.  You can climb one of the pylons (200 steps) and gain an even more impressive view but that cost 10 bucks and didn't open until 10am so that was two reasons for not partaking.

View of Sydney Harbour from Bridge

The first area on the North Shore is Kirribilli, a smart small residential areas with (as ever) plenty of coffee shops and convenience stores.  Took a look at the view of Sydney's main area from the opposing side.  Great views.  Had a look at the oddity that is Luna Park.

Kirribilli Cafe
Wandered about through the backstreets and ended up in a tiny bay the other side of the bridge called Lavender Bay.  At the base of the inlet was a small public garden, a unique spot maintained since it's construction in 1995 by a lady called Wendy - Wendy's Secret Garden
no less.  Amazing place.  Found out later that Sir Don Bradman used to live here.  Nice view.

From Lavender Bay continued around the coastal fringe through the communities of the North Shore before catching the ferry back  from McMahon's Point to Darling Harbour.
Wendy's Secret Garden, Lavender Bay

Lavender Bay Mob
Dad caned a few schooners of Carlton at a modern bar in Darling Harbour before we walked back to the hotel.

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