Wednesday 5 January 2011

Day Three - the SCG

Cricket went very well for England.  Imperious play from Cook, followed on by Bell and a tidy innings by Prior at the end.  The Australians are poor and their supporters know it.  Great deal of introspective humour going on amongst the SCG faithful who, although not outnumbered completely by the visiting fans, did little to draw attention to themselves.

The trip to the stadium was easy and well organised by a stream of dedicated buses.  At the SCG - and traditional on the third day of the Ashes test here - fans are encouraged to wear pink in support of a cancer charity run by Aussie bowling legend Glen McGrath.  The place was pink all over.

Barmy Army soldier


Feeding time

Doug outside SCG

The pavilions at SCG

Pretty in pink

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bit of blue sky there?
